2013 is truly the Year of mobile – Awesome App Stats
It has been spoken about for a long time but it is now all around us. There are some interesting facts out there which is further proof to the power of mobile. 90% of mobile users never have their smartphone more than 2 feet away from them at any time day or night. Would you believe that there are more smart phones worldwide than there are tooth brushes. Further to that 72% of US citizens now own a smartphone device compared to 10 months ago. The sale of smartphones and Tablet devices world wide is phenomenal.
Generation Z (16-24 year olds) are the biggest users of Apps especially for social media engagement. They also prefer to shop online using an App rather than a website. This is becoming the trend for ECommerce and other App activities such as gaming.
32% of Smartphone and Tablet Device owners play games apps. There is huge opportunity here for in App mobile ads to be shown. App developers can now develop any app with mobile and location marketing in mind regarding design and user experience.
63% of Smartphone owners will use navigation or map apps on a regular basis. Geo location mobile technology can now be easily integrated between App and Smart phone.
Have a look at this great Infographic from www.deloitte.co.uk which we thought might be interesting for our weekly Stat Bomb.
The mobile revolution is truly upon us.
The team at Eds App Factory love all things mobile and continue to meet the App Development needs of all their clients across so many diverse industries.
by Pierce